jueves, 29 de febrero de 2024

JUEVES - LYRICS ("The Living Years – Mike and the Mechanics")

- The Living Years – Mike and the Mechanics
Every generation
blames the one before,
and all of their frustrations
come beating on your door.
I know that I'm a prisoner
to all my father held so dear.
I know that I'm a hostage
to all his hopes and fears.
I just wish I could have told him in the living years.
Crumpled bits of paper
filled with imperfect thought,
stilted conversations,
I'm afraid that's all we've got.
You say you just don't see it.
He says it's perfect sense.
You just can't get agreement
in this present tense.
We all talk a different language
talking in defense.
Say it loud, say it clear.
You can listen as well as you hear.
It's too late when we die
to admit we don't see eye to eye.
So, we open up a quarrel
between the present and the past.
We only sacrifice the future.
It's the bitterness that lasts.
So don't yield to the fortunes
you sometimes see as fate.
It may have a new perspective
on a different date,
and if you don't give up, and don't give in
you may just be O.K.
Say it loud, say it clear.
You can listen as well as you hear.
It's too late when we die
to admit we don't see eye to eye.
I wasn't there that morning
when my father passed away.
I didn't get to tell him
all the things I had to say.
I think I caught his spirit
later that same year.
I'm sure I heard his echo
in my baby's new born tears.
I just wish I could have told him in the living years.
Say it loud, say it clear.
You can listen as well as you hear.
It's too late when we die
to admit we don't see eye to eye.
- Notas: Esta canción es una confesión de las tormentosas relaciones entre el cantante y su padre. Por lo visto su relación era fría y distante, y con la muerte de su progenitor el cantante descubre que la conexión entre ellos era más fuerte de lo que pensaba y por eso lamenta mucho no haberle dicho todo lo que le hubiera gustado decirle. Esto sucede unido al hecho de haberse convertido en padre recientemente, y, por eso, pasar a ver el mundo desde la perspectiva de su padre.
- 1. “…Crumpled…” = “To crumple” es el verbo “arrugar” usado para cosas como papel. Consiste en hacerlo una bola de tal modo que queda completamente arrugado.
- 2. “…stilted…” = Usado mucho para conversaciones, con “stilted” se indica que son forzadas o muy poco naturales.
- 3. “…see eye to eye…” = Usado normalmente en contextos negativos, se usa para enfatizar que hay falta de acuerdo en todo.
- 4. “…quarrel…” = Es un modo de indicar las discusiones o peleas entre dos personas.
- 5. “…yield…” = Se usa mucho ante tentaciones, significando “ceder” a dichas tentaciones.
- 6. “…give up…” = Es un phrasal verb usado para indicar “rendirse” o dejar de esforzarse por conseguir algo.
- 7. “…give in …” = Similar al “yield” que hemos visto más arriba, se usa para indicar el “ceder” ante una tentación o incluso para indicar el desanimarse y dejar de esforzarse.

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