jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2022

JUEVES - LYRICS ("God Shuffled His Feet – Crash Test Dummies")

- God Shuffled His Feet – Crash Test Dummies
After seven days
he was quite tired, so God said:
"Let there be a day
just for picnics, with wine and bread"
He gathered up some people he had made,
created blankets and laid back in the shade.
The people sipped their wine
and what with God there, they asked him questions
like: do you have to eat
or get your hair cut in heaven?
And if your eye got poked out in this life
would it be waiting up in heaven with your wife?
God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them;
the people cleared their throats and stared right back at him.
So, he said: "Once there was a boy
who woke up with blue hair.
To him it was a joy
until he ran out into the warm air.
He thought of how his friends would come to see;
and would they laugh, or had he got some strange disease?
God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them;
the people cleared their throats and stared right back at him.
The people sat waiting
out on their blankets in the garden,
but God said nothing
So, someone asked him: "I beg your pardon:
I'm not quite clear about what you just spoke,
was that a parable, or a very subtle joke?"
God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them;
the people cleared their throats and stared right back at him.
- Notas: Las canciones de este grupo suelen tener temáticas atípicas, como sucede en este caso, en el que se cuenta una historia, la de Dios acabando su creación y poniéndole punto final con un día de descanso en el que se reúne con su creación dispuesto a contestar a sus preguntas. Para su sorpresa, en lugar de ser preguntado sobre temas trascendentales, las preguntas que recibe son desconcertantes y mundanas. Su respuesta es tan enigmática que los hombres no aciertan a saber si está respondiendo con parábolas o con ironía.
- 1. “…gathered up…” = Este phrasal se suele usar para indicar la acción de recoger cosas como los juguetes del suelo. Aquí el cantante lo usa para acentuar el hecho de que los hombres a los que reúne son su obra.
- 2. “…sipped…” = Hay gente que se bebe los líquidos de un solo trago, mientras que con “to sip” lo que se hace es beber a sorbitos pequeños, como con las bebidas alcohólicas fuertes o las bebidas calientes.
- 3. “…poked out…” = Se usa para indicar el sacar algo a tirones o tirando fuerte, y suele usarse mucho con los ojos para indicar el “sacarse los ojos”.
- 4. “…shuffled…” = Lo de “shuffle” es una forma de caminar en la que se arrastran los pies.
- 5. “…parable…” = Las “parables” son las famosas parábolas que salen en la Biblia y que son ejemplos sencillos o comparaciones para que la gente llana pudiera entender temas complicados.

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