jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

JUEVES - LYRICS ("Hot N Cold – Katy Perry")

- Hot N Cold – Katy Perry

You change your mind
like a girl changes clothes.
Yeah you, PMS
like a bitch
I would know.

And you overthink
always speak

I should know
that you're no good for me.

'Cause you're hot then you're cold.
You're yes then you're no.
You're in then you're out.
You're up then you're down.
You're wrong when it's right.
It's black and it's white.
We fight, we break up.
We kiss, we make up.
(You) You don't really want to stay, no.
(You) But you don't really want to go-o.
You're hot then you're cold.
You're yes then you're no.
You're in then you're out.
You're up then you're down.

We used to be
just like twins
so in sync.
The same energy
now's a dead battery.
Used to laugh bout nothing
now you're plain boring.

I should know that
you're not gonna change.

'Cause you're hot then you're cold.
You're yes then you're no.
You're in then you're out.
You're up then you're down.
You're wrong when it's right.
It's black and it's white.
We fight, we break up.
We kiss, we make up.
(You) You don't really want to stay, no.
(You) But you don't really want to go-o.
You're hot then you're cold..
You're yes then you're no.
You're in then you're out.
You're up then you're down.

Someone call the doctor
got a case of a love bi-polar.
Stuck on a rollercoaster
can't get off this ride.

You change your mind
like a girl changes clothes.

'Cause you're hot then you're cold.
You're yes then you're no.
You're in then you're out.
You're up then you're down.
You're wrong when it's right.
It's black and it's white.
We fight, we break up.
We kiss, we make up.
You're hot then you're cold.
You're yes then you're no.
You're in then you're out.
You're up then you're down.
You're wrong when it's right.
It's black and it's White.
We fight, we break up.
We kiss, we make up.
(You) You don't really want to stay, no.
(You) But you don't really want to go-o.
You're hot then you're cold.
You're yes then you're no.
You're in then you're out.
You're up then you're down, down.

- Notas:
Lo primero indicar que eso de que el chico se piense lo de casarse con Katy … es para colgarlo de los pulgares aunque hay que decir que a lo largo del vídeo la niña parece algo entre verdulera (“fishwife”) y putón verbenero, lo que no le quita su atractivo natural.
- 1. “…PMS…” = Son las siglas de “premenstrual syndrome” que sufren las mujeres una vez al mes y que la cantante usa como metáfora para hablar de los cambios de humor (“mood changes”) que afectan al campeón con el que va a casarse.
- 2. “…'Cause…” = Esta cantante se caracteriza por usar muchas formas coloquiales del inglés como esta, que es una abreviación de “Because”, es como el título, “Hot N cold” donde “N” es el modo abreviado de decir “and” al parecerse esta palabra al deletreo de la letra “n”.
- 3. “…so in sync…” = La expresión es “to be in synchrony” (“estar en sincronía” o “sincronizado”), pero el inglés oral coloquial juvenil odia las palabras largas y por eso la reduce a una sola sílaba (“sync”) y se guarda las otras dos sílabas en el relleno del sujetador.
- 4. “…bout…” =  Más de lo dicho en el punto 2 y 3, nuevamente se come los sonidos al pronunciar una palabra y pronuncia “bout” por “about”.
- 5. “…rollercoaster can't get off this ride…” = Los “rollecoaster” son las montañas rusa en esas en las que te subes para darte una vuelta (“ride”) y rápidamente te arrepientes de haberte comida una pizza familiar justo antes de subirte.

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