jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2020

JUEVES - LYRICS ("Last Train to London - ELO")

- Last Train to London - ELO
It was 9-29,9-29 back street big city.
The sun was going' down,
there was music all around.
It felt so right.
It was one of those nights,
one of those nights when
you feel the world stop turnin'.
You were standing there,
there was music in the air.
I should have been away,
but I knew I'd have to stay.
Last train to London,
just headin' out.
Last train to London,
just leavin' town.
But I really want tonight to last forever.
I really wanna be with you.
Let the music play on down the line tonight.
It was one of those nights,
one of those nights
when you feel the fire is burnin'.
Everybody was there,
everybody to share,
it was so right.
There you were on your own,
lookin' like you were the only one around.
I had to be with you,
nothin' else that I could do,
I should have been away,
but I knew I'd have to say.
Last train to London,
just headin' out.
Last train to London,
just leavin' town.
But I really want tonight to last forever.
I really wanna be with you.
Let the music play on down the line tonight.
Underneath a starry sky,
time was still but hours
must really have rushed by.
I didn't realize
but love was in your eyes.
I really should have gone,
but love went on and on...
Last train to London,
just headin' out.
Last train to London,
just leavin' town.
But I really want tonight to last forever.
I really wanna be with you.
Let the music play on down the line tonight.
- Notas: La historia detrás de la canción son los recuerdos del cantante Jeff Lynne de su juventud, cuando la banda tenía que viajar de Birmingham a Londres muy frecuentemente por motivos laborales. El cantante tenia una novia en Birgmingham y siempre le resultaba difícil separarse de ella para ir a Londres a trabajar. En la canción se habla de esos últimos momentos juntos tras una noche de pasar tiempo juntos, antes de tener que separarse nuevamente.
- 1. “…turnin'…” = La canción usa muchos coloquialismos que aparecen muy frecuentemente en el lenguaje oral como es que no se oiga la "g" de la terminación verbal "-ing". La canción está plagada de estos casos.
- 2. “…wanna…” = Otro coloquialismo muy frecuente en el lenguaje oral es contraer la estructura "want to" en algo más fácil de pronunciar como "wanna".
- 3. “…rushed…” = El verbo "to rush" se usa para indicar el apresurar o hacer algo con prisas o a la carrera. Abarca una gama tan amplia de situaciones que traducirlo es difícil y debe adaptarse a cada caso, en la canción, y referido a tiempo sería algo como "pasar a toda velocidad".

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