jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

JUEVES - LYRICS ("Shoop shoop song - Cher")

- Shoop shoop song - Cher

Does he love me I want to know.
How can I tell if he loves me so?
Is it in his eyes?
Oh no! You'll be deceived.
Is it in his sighs?
Oh no! He'll make believe.
If you want to know if he loves you so
it's all in his kiss.
That's where it is

Is it in his face?
Oh no! That's just his charms.
In his warm embrace?
Oh no! That's just his arms.
If you want to know if he loves you so
it's all in his kiss.
That's where it is.
It's in his kiss.
That's where it is.

Hug him and squeeze him tight.
Find out what you want to know.
If it's love, if it really is
it's there in his kiss.

How about the way he acts?
Oh no! That's not the way
and you're not list'nin' to all I say.
If you wanna know if he loves you so
it's all in his kiss.
That's where it is.
It's in his kiss.
That's where it is.

Hug him and squeeze him tight.
Find out what you want to know.
If it's love, if it really is
it's there in his kiss.

How about the way he acts?
Oh no! That's not the way
and you're not listnin' to all I say.
If you wanna know if he loves you so
it's all in his kiss.
That's where it is.

It's in his kiss.
That's where it is. (x4)

- Notas: Sí, la letra de esta canción es ridícula y más simple que el sistema de apertura de una lata de anchoas, pero tengamos en cuenta que la cantó Cher cuando era joven para las legiones romanas en las Galias. De hecho, fue considerada una de las 50 canciones con letra más absurda de todos los tiempos, justo detrás de Tractor amarillo. El tema está claro: La única manera de saber si un hombre está enamorado de ti es besándolo. Punto y pelota.
La canción no es de Cher sino de  Betty Everett del año 1962, y el título real no es “shoop, shoop...” (que es el tarareo de fondo que se oye en la canción) sino que es “It’s in his kiss”.
- 1. “…sighs…” = Los “sighs” son los suspiros que pega alguien cuando ve en el escaparate la bicicleta que quiere comprarse, o cuando está enamorado y se pone a pensar románticamente en cómo se zumbaría a la otra persona hasta no poder más.
- 2. “…list'nin'…” = No tiene secreto alguno, “list’nin’” es un intento de trasncribir la forma de Cher de pronunciar “listening” para que le cuadre en la canción y no quedarse sin aire.
- 3. “…squeeze…” = El verbo “to squeeze” es el que usamos para hablar de exprimir un limón aplastándolo con la mano, y que no se suele usar con un abrazo a menos que sea un gorila quien te esté abrazando en un intento de romperte los huesos como si fueses un pistacho gigante cuya cascara hay que romper por presión.

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