jueves, 1 de abril de 2021

JUEVES - LYRICS ("Hero Of War - Rise Against")

 - Hero Of War - Rise Against
He said "Son, have you seen the world?
Well, what would you say if I said that you could?
Just carry this gun and you'll even get paid".
I said "That sounds pretty good".
Black leather boots,
spit-shined so bright.
They cut off my hair but it looks alright.
We marched and we sang,
we all became friends
as we learned how to fight.
A hero of war.
Yeah that's what I'll be
and when I come home
they'll be damn proud of me.
I'll carry this flag
to the grave if I must,
because it's a flag that I love
and a flag that I trust.
I kicked in the door.
I yelled my commands.
The children, they cried
but I got my man.
We took him away
a bag over his face
from his family and his friends.
They took off his clothes.
They pissed in his hands.
I told them to stop
but then I joined in.
We beat him with guns
and batons not just once
but again and again.
A hero of war.
Yeah that's what I'll be
and when I come home
they'll be damn proud of me.
I'll carry this flag
to the grave if I must,
because it's a flag that I love
and a flag that I trust.
She walked through bullets and haze.
I asked her to stop.
I begged her to stay
but she pressed on.
So, I lifted my gun
and I fired away.
And the shells jumped through the smoke
and into the sand
that the blood now had soaked.
She collapsed with a flag in her hand
a flag white as snow.
A hero of war
is that what they see,
just medals and scars,
so damn proud of me.
And I brought home that flag
now it gathers dust,
but it's a flag that I love,
it's the only flag I trust
He said, "Son, have you seen the world?
Well what would you say, if I said that you could?"
- Notas: Las canciones de este grupo suelen estar cargadas de contenido político y suelen ser autodescriptivas, como sucede con este caso. La canción está inspirada en un documental de 2006 titulado "The Ground Truth: After the Killing Ends" que trata sobre los desordenes psicológicos sufridos por los soldados americanos tras sus experiencias de combate.
En este caso, la canción se pone en la piel de un joven que, atraído por la promesa de ver mundo, se alista convencido de que su trabajo va a ser positivo, aunque pronto cae en dos situaciones que le hacen ver la cara oscura de la guerra, como son la tortura de un prisionero en la primera parte de la canción, y la muerte por error de una niña que se estaba rindiendo. A la vuelta a casa su familia le recibe como héroe de guerra, pero nadie es capaz de ver lo que se esconde en sus recuerdos de guerra.
- 1. “…spit-shined…” = El cantante está hablando de sacarle brillo a las botas, y una forma de hacerlo es escupirle y pasarle un trapo.
- 2. “…pressed on…” = Es un phrasal que indica "seguir adelante", que es lo que hace la niña en lugar de seguir las indicaciones del soldado que le pide que pare y no se acerque más.
- 3. “…scars…” = Son las cicatrices que quedan tras curarse una herida profunda.

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