jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019

JUEVES - LYRICS ("Face to face, heart to heart - Twins")

- Face to face, heart to heart - Twins

I thought it would be easy to forget you,
for after all it's been such a long time.
And yet the memories of you still hurt me.
They've been inscribed with needles in my mind.

I'm sure I could convince you
if only you would let us meet again.

Face to face, heart to heart.
Face to face, heart to heart.

Think back to when we were together.
How long we thought our mutual love would last.
How hard it was for us to leave each other.
Is all of that now buried in the past.

I'm sure I could convince you
if only you would let us meet again.

Face to face, heart to heart. (x8)

- Notas: Es una canción fácil de entender a todos los niveles: El cantante ha sido abandonado por la persona a la que amaba y con la que tuvo una relación de pareja, y le suplica una oportunidad mas, el poder hablar cara a cara porque está seguro de que conseguirá convencerla para que vuelva con él.
- 1. “…heart to heart …” = Este es un giro que se usa para indicar el mantener una conversación íntima en privada, normalmente referida a temas de pareja y tratados directamente sin rodeos.

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